#seenonmyrun twitter hashtag mention in SacBee !

Thanks to Sam McManis, the #seenonmyrun hashtag on twitter is getting major promotion!
While I love writing detailed posts on training, running, and random story anecdotes here and on dailymile, it's also fun to read #seenonmyrun type tweets from runners in other locales.
How cool is it to see what runners are seeing in Vancouver Canada?
I do have to credit fellow runner Michaela aka Biscuitrie for the  first usage of the tag, as we must give credit where credit is due.
So #runners, what did you see today?


  1. Thanks for the love, Jose! And it's super-cool that #seenonmyrun is in Sam's blog -- woo hoo! Do you feel famous? :)

    No running for me today, though -- it's a cross-training day. So I'll be seeing the gym and some weights later.


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